通話、聊天、搜尋,全在 Skype 上。
《 Skype 》於2003年發佈,是一個全球性通訊應用程式。用戶可透過《 Skype 》與全世界的朋友進行高質素的語音和視訊通話,適用於桌上電腦、手提電腦、平板電腦和智能手機。
用戶也可透過《 Skype 》打給任何其他安裝了《 Skype 》的用戶,更可以使用麥克風進行交流,亦可用透過網絡攝影機來進行影片通訊及使用文字即時通訊,用戶可透過《 Skype 》收發即時通訊資訊,傳輸檔案,收發多媒體資訊及進行視象會議等等。
《 Skype 》的大部份服務都是免費,軟件之間的通話採用點對點技術與其他用戶連接,用戶無需付費,只需支付數據月費,便可以致電給其他的《 Skype 》用戶,而且不限通話時間。但當用戶需要打電話到固網電話或手提電話時,便需要額外購買Skype點數。
如果想用《 Skype 》打電話給沒有《 Skype 》帳戶的朋友,用戶可以開啟《 Skype 》後,點選聯絡人然後點選新增聯絡人,接著點選邀請加入《 Skype 》,再透過網址連結、電郵,或SMS短訊來發送邀請,最後輸入對方的電郵地址或電話號碼及點擊紙飛機圖標。
1. 語音和視訊通話
2. 通話無需付費
Skype for Android is an application that provides video chat and voice call services. Users may exchange such digital documents as images, text, video and any others, and may transmit both text and video messages. Skype allows the creation of video conference calls. Skype is also available for Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, or Linux, as well as Blackberry, and both Apple and Windows smartphones and tablets. Skype is based on a freemium model. Most of the services are free, but Skype Credit or a subscription is required to call a landline or a mobile phone number.
Skype keeps the world talking. Say “hello” with an instant message, voice or video call—all for free, no matter what device they use Skype on.
• Talk face to face with a video call.
• New group video calls with up to 25 people.
• Free voice calls to anyone else on Skype. Add up to 25 people on a group call.
• Message your friends in an instant and add up to 300 people to a group chat.
• Call mobiles and landlines at low rates (Skype to Skype calls are always free).
• Share photos, video messages, your location and add emoticons and Mojis to your chat.
• Skype’s available on smartphones, tablets, PCs, and Macs. Now it’s even easier to stay connected to friends and family – no matter the device they're on.
* Operator data charges may apply. We recommend using an unlimited data plan or WiFi connection.